1 Eclectic Infidel  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 12:47:26pm

I’m not going to bother up or down-dinging this. I think the reality is that until Hamas (at least) is taken out of the equation, peace with the Palestinians is not possible.

2 stabby  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 1:48:18pm

This website used to be pro Israel but not anymore.

Israel is a long way away, and the usual response to not feeling like helping strangers is to find some way to blame the victim.

The conservatives may be attached to Israel for the wrong reasons (it’s in the Bible!) but at least that gives them a reason to give a shit about people, who, after all, live in a democracy like ours and are doing the best they can in a hostile world.

3 stabby  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 1:52:55pm

Also American liberals have a bias to trust misinformation leaking from other country’s left wings and even far left from here and other countries. And European liberals and (worse) far leftists are very biased.

Actually the idiot part of the American left has a tendency to trust misinformation that comes from EVERY source other than the western center and right. So they trust crap that comes from the Middle East’s far right because they can’t tell up from down (or left from right) once they get into a non-western culture.

4 Charles Johnson  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 4:50:26pm

re: #2 stabby

This website used to be pro Israel but not anymore.

That’s not true.

If you’re making this judgment based on the down-dings for this post, you’re missing the point. The reason for the down-dings is that aigle never engages or responds to any comments, and links only to its own website. It’s not about being pro- or anti-Israel, it’s about a bot that seems to only be interested in self-promotion.

5 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 6:55:41pm

re: #4 Charles Johnson

That’s not true.

If you’re making this judgment based on the down-dings for this post, you’re missing the point. The reason for the down-dings is that aigle never engages or responds to any comments, and links only to its own website. It’s not about being pro- or anti-Israel, it’s about a bot that seems to only be interested in self-promotion.

QFT. At least three of those who downdinged this Page are pro-Israel, but they are also anti-bot.

6 ckkatz  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 7:16:22pm

While I do not always agree with it, I find the Camera content useful and interesting. I am far less concerned about the poster. This is exactly the same way that I view other postings on this site.

I must admit that I, at times, have wondered about some of those who downding and whether their objections stem solely because of their stated distaste for the poster and not for the content and viewpoint.

As always, ymmv. And, obviously, it does…

7 bratwurst  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 7:30:24pm

re: #6 ckkatz

While I do not always agree with it, I find the Camera content useful and interesting. I am far less concerned about the poster. This is exactly the same way that I view other postings on this site.

Nobody is stopping you from bookmarking Camera and visiting it each and every day. The problem I and others have is that they see fit to employ a bot to collect hits. Nobody else is doing that here. There are some here who page primarily to gain hits for their own blogs, but at least they take the time to do it by hand…and even engage in discussion of the topics they care about.

re: #5 Dark_Falcon

QFT. At least three of those who downdinged this Page are pro-Israel, but they are also anti-bot.

With all do respect, I have a major problem with you appointing yourself judge of who is and isn’t “pro-Israel”. I know this will come as a shock…but your idea of “pro-Israel” might differ from someone else who also considers themselves “pro-Israel”. Get a grip.

8 ckkatz  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 7:54:38pm

re: #7 bratwurst

Nobody is stopping you from bookmarking Camera and visiting it each and every day. .

No such concern was made. So we can dispose of that red herring.

Returning to the question, if you object solely to the originating website collecting hits from you, you are certainly not obligated to read either the article or go to that website.

It seems to me that your stated concern is more in line with preventing others from doing so.

9 bratwurst  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 8:12:06pm

re: #8 ckkatz

No such concern was made. So we can dispose of that red herring.

Returning to the question, if you object solely to the originating website collecting hits from you, you are certainly not obligated to read either the article or go to that website.

It seems to me that your stated concern is more in line with preventing others from doing so.

My downdings don’t prevent anyone from doing anything, speaking of red herrings!

Charles runs this place, so he can do as he sees fit with this bot. However, as long as I have the ability to do so, I will be expressing my disapproval of Camera’s attempts to increase traffic by piggybacking off of this site’s traffic.

10 Buck  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 8:19:46pm

CAMERA is a pretty serious organization with a pretty good website.

Not to take away from anything that Charles has done here, but I don’t think CAMERA is piggybacking on any one.

Exposing the media bias against Israel used to be part of the focus here. That is what CAMERA does now. There is a history.

I for one have no idea why normally easy going people are so freaked aout simply because a Lizard at CAMERA automated creating PAGES posts, and chooses not to engage the haters in debate. Especially since they probably feel that there should not be any debate on this subject.

11 ckkatz  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 8:26:09pm

re: #9 bratwurst

My downdings don’t prevent anyone from doing anything, speaking of red herrings!

No one said anything about your downdings, speaking of red herrings. We were talking about your stated concerns.

For example:

However, as long as I have the ability to do so, I will be expressing my disapproval of Camera’s attempts to increase traffic by piggybacking off of this site’s traffic.

And you would prevent this traffic how? The only way that I can see is by preventing the traffic of other readers.

Which goes back to my original statement:

It seems to me that your stated concern is more in line with preventing others from doing so.

You are very correct that Charles is the decision maker. My point was that, to me, content trumps poster. Your point, as I understand it, is that to you, the poster poisons the content.

12 rosiee  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 8:59:04pm

Just curious but has anyone contacted CAMERA and asked them to knock it off?

13 Locker  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 9:01:11pm

re: #8 ckkatz

No such concern was made. So we can dispose of that red herring.

Returning to the question, if you object solely to the originating website collecting hits from you, you are certainly not obligated to read either the article or go to that website.

It seems to me that your stated concern is more in line with preventing others from doing so.

Let’s cut through the bullshit. The guy is using LGF for free advertising without offering anything back. Fuck him.. or her.. or it.. whatever.

I’m sort of inclined to throw a “Fuck you” your way as well. You’d think with all your correct and proper speech you’d know that already and wouldn’t just be pulling chains and pretending folks are trying to suppress content.

14 Locker  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 9:02:12pm

re: #12 rosiee

Just curious but has anyone contacted CAMERA and asked them to knock it off?

I’d say that we respect Charles’ right to allow, contact, ignore or ban them as he sees fit. It wouldn’t be my place to tell camera not to post here. It is my place to bitch about it though.

15 ckkatz  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 9:15:46pm

re: #14 Locker

So you think that people who disagree with you are not honest about that disagreement, and the only response you can provide is “Fuck You”.

Doesn’t seem like much room for a meaningful discussion here.

16 rosiee  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 9:20:40pm

re: #14 Locker

Stupid that CAMERA is burning bridges like this. -.-

17 Locker  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 9:36:45pm

re: #15 ckkatz

So you think that people who disagree with you are not honest about that disagreement, and the only response you can provide is “Fuck You”.

Doesn’t seem like much room for a meaningful discussion here.

There wasn’t when you opened with feigned ignorance. You’re cover is blown so might as well move along.

18 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 5:52:29am

re: #10 Buck

CAMERA is a pretty serious organization with a pretty good website.

Not to take away from anything that Charles has done here, but I don’t think CAMERA is piggybacking on any one.

Exposing the media bias against Israel used to be part of the focus here. That is what CAMERA does now. There is a history.

I for one have no idea why normally easy going people are so freaked aout simply because a Lizard at CAMERA automated creating PAGES posts, and chooses not to engage the haters in debate. Especially since they probably feel that there should not be any debate on this subject.

Why don’t you contact CAMERA and offer to post their links here as long as they disable the aigle bot?

I emailed them a while ago asking why aigle never stays around to participate in the conversation, but all I got back was a bunch of spam.

CAMERA used to be a decent site, and they even debunked the fake MLK “Letter to an Anti Zionist” which was going around the nascent Internet, but sadly they have deteriorated and don’t bother to fact check their own propaganda any more.

19 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 6:45:58am

re: #18 Vicious Babushka

They had one absolutely fucking shockingly stupid thing where they had a headline about a group of Palestinians attacking an Israeli, and they edited out the portions of the story about a larger group of Palestinians intervening and protecting the Israeli. That was their jumping the shark moment for me.

20 Buck  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 8:18:21am

re: #18 Vicious Babushka

Why don’t you contact CAMERA and offer to post their links here as long as they disable the aigle bot?

Ya, I will get right on that.

Honestly, I don’t think they would respond.

I really don’t understand what all the hoopla is about. I think you guys are way over reacting. Seriously, how does this harm you? It doesn’t.

First rule of the internet: Don’t be annoying.
Second rule of the internet: Don’t be so easily annoyed.

21 Buck  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 8:22:34am

re: #19 Obdicut

They had one absolutely fucking shockingly stupid thing where they had a headline about a group of Palestinians attacking an Israeli, and they edited out the portions of the story about a larger group of Palestinians intervening and protecting the Israeli. That was their jumping the shark moment for me.

These guys show thousands of errors (like that, that they attribute to bias) from almost every media outlet in the world.

If you found one or two mistakes from them, I would think it would be forgivable. However maybe you think it is institutional? You are free to post CAMERA Watch style expose. I think you will find that everyone can make an honest mistake.

22 Buck  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 8:27:08am

re: #13 Locker

Let’s cut through the bullshit. The guy is using LGF for free advertising without offering anything back. Fuck him.. or her.. or it.. whatever.

OR CAMERA is offering relevant original content in return for a link back.

That is basically how the system works.

23 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 8:31:34am

re: #20 Buck

Ya, I will get right on that.

===>Honestly, I don’t think they would respond.<=====

That is why we find them so fucking annoying.

24 Obdicut  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 8:42:34am

re: #21 Buck

It wasn’t a mistake. It was propagandizing. At best, they didn’t bother to verify the accuracy of an anti-Palestinian story but just printed it without checking. Which isn’t a mistake, it’s a choice.

25 Buck  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 10:22:21am

re: #24 Obdicut

It wasn’t a mistake. It was propagandizing. At best, they didn’t bother to verify the accuracy of an anti-Palestinian story but just printed it without checking. Which isn’t a mistake, it’s a choice.

Well, that is your opinion. Like I say, I don’t think you can find enough examples to show a pattern of purposeful deceit.

26 Buck  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 10:26:42am

re: #23 Vicious Babushka

That is why we find them so fucking annoying.

Really? That is it? This is a very large organization. Maybe you imagine this a blogger in the basement (in their pajamas). It isn’t.
You have some kind of need for attention?

Why? What difference would it make?

They do good work. Fighting the good fight.

I just thank them.

27 jamesfirecat  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 11:17:23am

re: #10 Buck

CAMERA is a pretty serious organization with a pretty good website.

Not to take away from anything that Charles has done here, but I don’t think CAMERA is piggybacking on any one.

Exposing the media bias against Israel used to be part of the focus here. That is what CAMERA does now. There is a history.

I for one have no idea why normally easy going people are so freaked aout simply because a Lizard at CAMERA automated creating PAGES posts, and chooses not to engage the haters in debate. Especially since they probably feel that there should not be any debate on this subject.

Because he /she is not a lizard it is a bot.

If the people at CAMERA wanted to convey their points in a manner more likely to earn them the attention they deserve they should not have a bot spamming our site with them.

28 jamesfirecat  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 11:20:02am

re: #20 Buck

Ya, I will get right on that.

Honestly, I don’t think they would respond.

I really don’t understand what all the hoopla is about. I think you guys are way over reacting. Seriously, how does this harm you? It doesn’t.

First rule of the internet: Don’t be annoying.
Second rule of the internet: Don’t be so easily annoyed.

I will worry about rule two when Agile starts worrying about rule one.

29 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Jan 15, 2013 4:01:17pm

re: #26 Buck

Really? That is it? This is a very large organization. Maybe you imagine this a blogger in the basement (in their pajamas). It isn’t.
You have some kind of need for attention?

Why? What difference would it make?

They do good work. Fighting the good fight.

I just thank them.

Because if they are going to have a bot that posts their content here they should be at least marginally-responsive to concerns expressed here. If they are a large organization, they have have time to have someone alter the form letter template to actually respond to the questioner by name.

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